Trust, efficiency, and good relationships


PEHANSEN, as well as many other companies are spending a lot of resources on due dilligence to find trustworthy partners for business transactions. PEHANSENĀ“s transparency page aims to help stakeholders verify that they are in fact trading with a PEHANSEN and not a fake company. If you receive an email, phone call, letter or fax from or claiming to come from PEHANSEN, please make sure the following is correct:

  • The email you receive is coming from [somename] domain - we do not have other domain names.
  • If you receive email from any other accounts other than the above, the email is not from PEHANSEN
  • Our Danish business and VAT-number ("CVR") is DK38965271 - the official register for verifying this number is here:, which is maintained by the official Danish Business Authority ( (English)). In Danish its name is "Erhvervsstyrelsen", which can be found here
  • All updates to any of our contact details are announced on our website
  • Our website is protected by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to certify the identity of the domain name and prevent spoofing/forgery of the domain name. In Google Chrome browser you will see something like this:

    - this indicates an encrypted connection and verification of In other browsers (FireFox, Edge, Internet Explorer), it will vary slightly. We always use SSL for verification and secure communication online. If you do not see any of the following characteristics on our website: "Secure", keylock/key, green color, "https" in the web address bar of your browser, please be cautious - you may not be visiting the real website
  • Our SSL certificate is using strong encryption and is regularly renewed to ensure validity
  • Our mailservers are protected to prevent forgery of email
  • Please call tel. (+45) 70200351. Please be aware that phone numbers can be forged. You can always call our phone number to ensure validity.
  • We ship to other places than Denmark - please verify if you are unsure
  • Denmark is no. 3 out of 190 countries in ease of doing business according to ( - this means Denmark is a very safe and easy country to trade with. In any case, we encourage you to do your own due dilligence
  • Denmark is usually ranked as no. 1 or no. 2 as the most transparent country according to Transparency International (
  • The majority of the Danish population speaks English as their second language and all official authorities / institutions are also able to communicate in English
  • Always do your own due dilligence before trading / transferring money - we do the same with all our partners, suppliers, vendors and customers

We set pride in maintaining long-term relationships with all the people and companies we work with.

If you wish to work with PEHANSEN, please contact us.

Flag of Denmark Flag of European Union Recycling and green profile